The new models work great indoors you just need to get a grow light :-). We have a grow light on our website we recommend. Have a look at this pic and some videos from the bots.
These lights are pretty good(client had a special need) and the setup works because they have the light from the windows as well. (We have permission from Jordana the owner of those bots to use the picture and video!)
This is a video from one of those bots you can watch the dates in the lower right hand corner.
These bots are using only a grow light.
Seeds To Harvesting
Continuous Harvest
Seeds To Harvesting
Continuous Harvest
This is outdoors 50% shaded
Grown from starts(most clients grow from starts because it can cut the first harvest time from several weeks to several days).
Here is outdoors 30% shaded
Seed to harvest (beans and radishes – this is one of mine)
If you want to pre-order one it’s a good time. We ordered parts for new machines a few weeks ago and we should start delivering around the second week of March if the parts arrive on schedule.
Attached is our latest doc with more information about our new model and 2 drawings of with or without frame.
PDF’s with more information.